lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

History videogame:v

We have all played a game once in our lives, either because we are with family and friends or because they are very fond of them, but do you know all the developments which have taken? Here we tell the story ...

The beginnings

Although no one knows for sure what was the first game many say the famous "Cat", developed by Alexander S. Douglas pioneered in 1952. In this game executed on the EDSAC, players faced the computer.

By 1958, William Higginbotham designed the game Tennis for Two, the first two human players, it was especially for visitors of the exhibition Brookhaven National Laboratory what would enjoy.

Remember the famous Spacewar? because this game is 51 years, it was created in 1962 by Steve Russell in just 6 months.

The 70's

Yes, this is where games like Asteroids appear, Space Invaders and Pong machine, a commercial version of Twnnis for Two designed by Al Alcorn to Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari.

The 80's

The era that spawned the incredible Namco Pacman and other famous games like Battle Zone, Pole Position, Tron and Zaxxon.

The 80s were the time when the popularity of "slot machines" that filled arcades and consoles that could not miss in the homes increased.

Note that countries like the United States and Canada suffered a "crisis of game" between 1983 and 1985, while Japan took the opportunity to position themselves in the sector. Thus, for 1985 Nintendo had revolutionized the industry with Super Mario Bros.

At the end of this decade, they lost fame microcomputers while the 16-bit console and portable video games began to take hold with teams like the Game Boy (Nintendo).

The 90's

Thanks to the technological revolution occurred in the '90s, the' gamers' increased wealth and video games with three-dimensional environments began to dominate the market

In these years the 16 bits were a thing of the past and the arcades were in decline, meanwhile, consoles modernized: Sony Play Station and Sega Saturn Sega were 32 bits, and Nintendo 64 and Atari Jaguar were already 64-bit .

Speaking of portable gaming, more machines arose: Sega Game Gear, Atari Linx and SNK Neo Geo Pocket but none managed to snatch the popularity of the Game Boy and its successors.

And thanks to the Internet, the MMORPG (multiplayer online role-playing games) emerged and the latest console from Sega, Dreamcast, started the "generation of the 128 bits".

From 2000 to the present

In 2000 Sony launched its PlayStation 2 to turn on PlayStation 3 in 2006 and PlayStation 4 in 2013; Microsoft did not want to fall behind and in 2001 he released its Xbox evolve over the years the Xbox 360 (2005) and Xbox One (2013); meanwhile Sega decided to surrender and only engage the Software; Nintendo continued to work and created the Gamecube (2001) which would become Wii (2006) and Wii U (2012) without much success.

What consoles you had at home? What game is for you the best of all time?

You see, the video games have an amazing story of evolution counted worthy and shared. We invite you to see this video for you to remember and enjoy the great progress in graphics, music and styles of video games:

With information from the Barcelona School of Informatics.

2 comentarios:

  1. I do not agree with you, since you need clearer references or examples, but nevertheless it is a good content✌

  2. I think it's a very interesting note, because that child or adolescent does not know the evolution of the games that we played
